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Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Sober Living Home LARR- Louisiana Association of Recovery Residences

The Lighthouse and professional team will assure that you are in the hands of the best in the industry on the road to recovery. We offer a wide range of programs and amenities during treatment with the best counselors available to our clients. At Turnbridge, we recognize the clear difference between getting sober and living sober, which is why we encourage continuous care and management, in recovery and after rehab. One of the most obvious benefits of sober living – whether in a sober housing or treatment setting – is the bonds you will form while there. You will meet and live alongside people who are also in recovery, and share common ground. These people also understand what it is like to use drugs, to crave drugs, to feel distant or depressed, to lose control, and to disappoint others.

What to expect at 6 months sober?

6 Months Sober

The six-month mark is where you may begin to feel comfortable with your sobriety. However, this feeling of comfort can also be dangerous. It's possible you'll experience a phenomenon called the “pink cloud,” meaning you're happy about everything and feel invincible because of your newfound sobriety.

Terms like “inpatient,” “partial-hospitalization,” and “medically-managed” may be different terms that you’re accustomed to in daily life, but are common to the world of addiction treatment. We’ve talked about the benefits of sobriety, but what about the benefits of sober living homes specifically? As in, the benefits of really and truly living sober day-to-day, away from substances and a substance-using society. Halfway houses are also government-funded and have fewer amenities than a sober living home. They tend to be more like dorms, with up to 12 residents, unlike smaller sober homes that offer more privacy and freedom.

What is a sober living house?

As well as their approach to rehabilitation and relapse prevention, inquire about the staff’s professional education and certifications. While many sober livings and halfway houses have similar rules regarding alcohol and drug use, curfews, and house rules, sober livings and halfway houses are not the same thing. Most of the time, when someone uses the term ‘halfway house’ they are referring to a house that is ‘halfway’ between prison and regular society. Halfway houses are a vital part of the criminal justice system, offering former prisoners who are usually on probation or parole a structured environment that helps them adjust to life outside of prison. Fortunately, there are options for people looking to live sober and maintain recovery. Sober living homes are a transitional housing arrangement for people in recovery who desire an independent, yet structured and sober home life.

How to Choose a Sober House

Rules reinforce that to be productive members of society, we all need to be responsible for our actions and behavior. Residents of sober living homes learn to reconnect with society while living among peers experiencing similar situations. The top reason to choose a sober living home is having a place to live in an alcohol- and drug-free environment. These homes help people as they transition from their old way of living and teach them a new way of life—one with sobriety as a cornerstone.

#4 Rules and Accountability

It’s usually better to stay in a sober living home until you and your sponsor are secure in your capacity to stay sober without the support of a sober living home. A well-kept sober house demonstrates that the staff and residents value one another and are committed to their obligations and long-term recovery achievement. We want to make sure you locate sober house a high-quality sober living home that meets all of your recovery needs, even if it isn’t a Vanderburgh House home. On the same line, we recognize how challenging it can be to discover the ideal sober living arrangement in early recovery. To make things easier for you, we’ve put together this step-by-step guide to walk you through the procedure.

When you decide to take your journey with The Lighthouse, you are a priority, and our team is some of the best in the industry for top-of-the-line recovery care. Each sober living house will have its own specific set of house rules, and these rules are more detailed than the resident requirements listed above. There are also several sober living homes run by religious groups, private organizations, or businesses. When looking into sober living in your area, you have to consider a few things—such as cost, amenities, and house rules specific to each facility.

Who Should Consider Joining a Sober Living House?

Before you enroll in a transitional living program, you’ll want to find out who is on staff, what qualifications they have, and how they interact with residents. With countless sober living homes located all across the country, choosing a sober living home for yourself or a loved one isn’t always easy. Despite the many options available, there are several things you can do to ensure that you find the perfect fit for your recovery needs, your personal preferences, and your budget.

Individuals who have completed prison sentences may have to participate in additional addiction recovery to live in a halfway house as part of their reintegration into society. Acting as a bridge between communities, government and treatment providers LARR will promote ethics and standards among recovery housing providers to support persons in addiction recovery. This situation is unfortunately very common in Louisiana and motivated by money for the treatment center not the patients care. But weeks after attending they see that the program is not what they were told it was and/or they receive no value from it. Do they waste 3 hrs a day- 3 days a week in a program they know they are not getting anything out of, or do they leave the IOP program and subsequently loose their housing?

What are the Rules and Regulations of Sober Living Homes?

The tools that individuals learn in intensive rehab programs may set them up for more sustainable success in a sober living house. In a sober living environment, the staff qualification is crucial to your rehabilitation, as you will receive help from these people. When evaluating sober houses, pay particular attention to the staff’s experience and attitude. The team should have extensive expertise working with those who have drug addiction problems. In most cases, they should identify with your difficulties and comprehend what you’re going through.

How to Choose a Sober House

We will work to fulfill all the individual needs of our clients and are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our Stamford residents on their road to recovery. Step meetings help reinforce sobriety through a peer network of like-minded individuals, all working to overcome addiction. Attending meetings will help build fellowships with others that can provide a person with the emotional support they’ll need in sobriety. Some residents may also attend outpatient recovery programs during the day as part of their transition from inpatient programs.

When suffering from alcohol or substance addiction, it can be challenging to live a life of sobriety and happiness and taking in what life has to offer. Even choosing the right sober house for you or a loved one can be challenging but essential to be able to reach individuals’ goals. Here at The Lighthouse, we know that not every sober house is safe but want to create a welcoming atmosphere.